The Organic World (TOW), part of the Bengaluru-based Nimida Group, has expanded its store network into Mysore. This launch marks the brand’s second venture outside its home city of Bengaluru, following its first expansion into Hyderabad in 2024.
Mysore was chosen for this expansion due to its unique blend of rich cultural heritage, focus on wellness and community of conscious customers. With The Organic World stores now open in Ramakrishna Nagar and Vijayanagar, the city’s growing awareness of chemical-free living perfectly aligns seamlessly with the brand’s commitment of offering worry-free, wholesome, and curated groceries.
Speaking about the expansion, Gaurav Manchanda, Founder of Nimida Group, stated, “Our Mysore stores mark an important step in our journey to bring our worry-free groceries closer to everyone. Health and wellness should be accessible to all, irrespective of location. With increasing consumer awareness about the presence of harmful chemicals in our everyday groceries, the demand for organic options has risen significantly across the country. Mysore, with its rich cultural heritage and progressive embrace of chemical-free lifestyles, was the natural destination to expand beyond the metros. By launching in Mysore, we aim to empower more families with our worry-free, wholesome, curated options.”
TOW’s expansion plan includes additional stores not only in Mysore but also in other key high-potential cities and towns across India including Pune, Coimbatore, Chennai and Delhi. This strategic plan aims to create a robust network of COCO (company-operated company-owned) and FOFO (franchise-owned franchise-operated) stores, ensuring that the benefits of a lifestyle free of harmful chemicals reach an ever-widening audience.